When Tina Hines suddenly collapsed outside her Arizona home in February 2018, her heart stopped beating for an astonishing 27 minutes. What happened during those moments between life and death would become a powerful testimony that has captivated people worldwide. Against all medical odds, Tina not only survived but returned with an extraordinary account of meeting Jesus in heaven.
A desperate fight for survival
The ordinary day turned catastrophic when Tina became unresponsive, prompting her husband Brian to make a frantic 911 call. “I’ve never seen anybody with their eyes rolled back and-and literally starting to turn purple,” Brian recalled of those terrifying moments.
Despite immediate CPR attempts from a neighbor and multiple defibrillator shocks from paramedics, Tina remained without a pulse for nearly half an hour. Her husband desperately pleaded with emergency responders, “Guys, is-is her heart beating? Can you get her heart to beat? Please God, please make her heart beat.”
Medical miracle defies expectations
At Deer Valley Medical Center, doctors warned Brian that the extended period without oxygen – far beyond the critical 5-10 minute window – meant severe brain damage was likely if Tina survived. Yet remarkably, she began showing signs of recovery almost immediately after being stabilized.
Within days, Tina had made such profound progress that she was able to communicate through writing. When handed a pen, she scrawled “ITS REAL” – referring to heaven, as her family would soon discover.
A glimpse of heaven
Once able to speak, Tina shared her extraordinary experience: “I just wanted to share that I saw Jesus face to face and the unbelievable rest and peacefulness of what I was experiencing was Jesus standing there with His arms open wide, and right behind Jesus standing there was this incredible glow it was the most vibrant and beautiful yellow.”
Just four days after her near-death experience, Tina was discharged from the hospital. Despite suffering a cracked sternum, fractured ribs, and a head injury from her fall, she showed no signs of brain damage – a fact that her medical team considered remarkable given the circumstances.
“God is real in my life. Jesus is real. Heaven is real. I know that God can use every situation to make us who we are in Christ,” Tina declared of her transformative experience.