Daily Devotional: Becoming Children of the Light – Friday, December 20th, 2024

Embrace God's Plan

Trust in His Timing

God’s timing is perfect. Embrace patience and trust His divine plan, knowing He works all things for your good.

Date Posted: 2024-12-20 10:43:12 | Video Duration: 00:02:50

(John 12:36, NIV) – “Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.”

The image of light is woven throughout scripture as a symbol of God’s presence, guidance, and salvation. Jesus, calling Himself the Light of the world, invites us to step out of darkness and into the brilliance of His truth and grace. His words in this passage extend not only an invitation but a summons to trust Him while the opportunity remains.

Light, by nature, illuminates and drives out darkness. It reveals what was hidden, offering clarity and direction. Jesus embodies this perfectly. As the Light, He reveals the truth about God and humanity, exposing our need for redemption while simultaneously offering Himself as the answer. His light is not fleeting or harsh, but a steady illumination guiding us toward life and purpose.

Life can often leave us feeling overwhelmed by shadows of doubt, fear, or confusion. Yet Jesus reminds us that His light has already overcome the darkness. In His incarnation, He stepped into a world marred by sin to begin a new creation—a restoration project that will one day culminate in a world completely filled with His glory. For now, we live in the “in-between,” during which we are invited not only to accept His light but to reflect it.

To become children of light is to embrace the identity of those transformed by His truth. It means more than receiving illumination; we are called to embody it in our words, thoughts, and actions, carrying His hope to a world desperate for direction and love.

This Advent season, as we reflect on Christ’s arrival, let’s remember that He didn’t come just to be with us but to bring about a new creation within us. Trust in the light. Walk by it daily. Reflect it faithfully. In doing so, you testify to the world that the Light of the world has come and continues to shine.

Let us pray.

Father of lights, thank You for sending Jesus to lead us out of darkness and into the fullness of Your glory. Help us believe and walk in Your light with unwavering faith. Transform us into reflections of Your love so that others may also find hope and grace. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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