In a remarkable display of biblical knowledge, an eleven-year-old Texas boy has captured attention with his comprehensive presentation showing how Jesus Christ appears throughout the entire Bible. Jack Stockton, a homeschooled sixth-grader from Salem Lutheran Church in Tomball, delivered a compelling four-minute speech that traces Christ’s presence from Genesis to Revelation, offering a fresh perspective on biblical narratives.
A young voice shares ancient wisdom
Standing before his congregation, Jack Stockton demonstrated an impressive understanding of biblical themes, beginning with Jesus as “the seed of woman” in Genesis and continuing through each book of the Bible. His presentation offered unique insights into how Christ manifests in various roles throughout scripture.
The young speaker methodically worked through the Old Testament, highlighting Jesus’s appearances in different forms: as the Passover lamb in Exodus, the high priest in Leviticus, and the pillar of cloud and fire in Numbers. In Deuteronomy, he identified Christ as a prophet similar to Moses.
From historical books to prophetic visions
Moving through the historical books, Stockton illustrated Christ’s presence as the captain of salvation in Joshua, judge and lawgiver in Judges, and kinsman redeemer in Ruth. He continued through Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, and Esther, revealing Christ’s roles in each narrative.
In the poetic books, he described Jesus as the shepherd in Psalms and wisdom incarnate in Proverbs. The prophetic books revealed Christ as Isaiah’s prince of peace, Jeremiah’s righteous branch, and the miraculous fourth figure in Daniel’s fiery furnace.
New Testament revelations
Stockton’s analysis of the New Testament highlighted how each Gospel presents a different aspect of Christ: the King of the Jews (Matthew), the Servant (Mark), the Son of Man (Luke), and the Son of God (John). He traced Christ’s presence through Paul’s epistles, where Jesus appears as divine righteousness, liberty, joy, and completeness.
In one of the presentation’s most powerful moments, Stockton declared, “He was bruised and brought healing! He was pierced and eased pain! He was persecuted and brought freedom! He was dead and brought life!”
The young speaker concluded with personal testimony, stating, “He is my Redeemer, He is my Savior, He is my guide, and He is my peace! He is my Joy, He is my comfort, He is my Lord, and He rules my life!”
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